Selenium, a web application test tool, has one limitation which is the File dialog which gets launched by clicking the Browse button to select a file for uploading. Selenium is unable to do anything once the File dialog opens up.
Here is the solution code for above mentioned issue in Python as follows:
def upload_file ( self, sel, im, locator, value ):
# move the focus to the appropriate field
print "locator : " + locator
sel.focus( locator )
for i in range ( 0, len(value) ):
o = ord( value[i] )
print value[i] + " : " + str ( o )
if ( o >= ord('a') and o <= ord('z') ) or \
( o >= ord('0') and o <= ord('9') ):
o = o - 32
sel.key_press_native( o )
elif ( o >= ord('A') and o <= ord('Z') ):
sel.key_down_native( 16 )
sel.key_press_native( o )
sel.key_up_native( 16 )
elif o == ord('.') or o == ord('\\') or o == ord(' ') or o == ord('/'):
sel.key_press_native( o )
elif o == ord('_'):
sel.key_down_native( 16 )
sel.key_press_native( ord('-') )
sel.key_up_native( 16 )
elif o == ord(':') :
sel.key_down_native( 16 )
sel.key_press_native( ord(';') )
sel.key_up_native( 16 )
print "Don't know how to handle *" + value[i] + "*"
In Java as follows:
While automating using Selenium is stuck when simulate the click to upload file input. I have to launch the concurrent thread that do the file name input. Thread Code(Note file name should be given in Java format like 'c:/boot.ini):
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.*;
* @author Bogdan Gusiev
* Date 29.03.2009
public class FileChooserThread extends Thread {
* @author Bogdan Gusiev
* Date 29.03.2009
public class FileChooserThread extends Thread {
public FileChooserThread(String file) {
super(new FileRunner(file));
super(new FileRunner(file));
class FileRunner implements Runnable {
private String fullName;
public FileRunner(String fileName) {
this.fullName = fileName;
this.fullName = fileName;
public void run() {
try {
Robot robot = new Robot(); //input simulation class
for (char c : fullName.toCharArray()) {
if (c == ':') {
robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ SHIFT);
robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ SEMICOLON);
robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ SHIFT);
} else if (c == '/') {
robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ BACK_SLASH);
} else {
robot.keyPress(KeyStroke. getKeyStroke(
Character.toUpperCase(c), 0).getKeyCode());
robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ ENTER);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
try {
Robot robot = new Robot(); //input simulation class
for (char c : fullName.toCharArray()) {
if (c == ':') {
} else if (c == '/') {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Here is Selenium call method:
protected void chooseFile(String element, String fileName) {
Number positionLeft = selenium. getElementPositionLeft( element);
Number positionTop = selenium. getElementPositionTop(element) ;
new FileChooserThread(fileName). start(); //launch input thread.
//this method will held current thread while FileChooser gives the file name
selenium.clickAt("file", positionLeft + "," + positionTop);
return fileName;
protected void chooseFile(String element, String fileName) {
Number positionLeft = selenium.
Number positionTop = selenium.
new FileChooserThread(fileName).
//this method will held current thread while FileChooser gives the file name
selenium.clickAt("file", positionLeft + "," + positionTop);
return fileName;